Current Location: Rabbit acariasis
Rabbit acariasis

News briefing: Rabbit acariasis is a highly contagious disease caused by acariasis, which is characterized by itching and emaciation and death in rabbits. It can be divided into two groups: Itch acariasis and scabies acariasis, the early treatment of most of the disease

Rabbit acariasis

Rabbit acariasis is a highly contagious disease caused by acariasis, which is characterized by itching and emaciation and death in rabbits. It can be divided into two groups: Itch acariasis and scabies acariasis, the early treatment of most of the diseased rabbits will achieve good results.

In order to make full contact between the medicine and the worm body, the hair on the affected part and the area 3 ~ 4cm around the affected part was cut off and washed thoroughly with warm soapy water, remove crusts and dirt, preferably with 20% lysol brush 1 time, wipe dry after daubing.

Some of the drugs used to treat acariasis do not kill the mites, so the affected parts are not large and the curative effect is significant. The newly hatched larvae must be treated for 2-3 times (5 days each time) in order to kill them. While handling the sick rabbits, more attention should be paid to thoroughly disinfecting the cages, utensils, etc. . The following drugs can also be used for treatment: ephedrine insecticide, subcutaneous injection effect is ideal. Dicofol was mixed with vegetable oil in 5% ~ 10% proportion and applied to the affected part once. At the same time, 500 ~ 1000 times diluted dicofol water solution can be used to spray pens, cages, can kill eggs, larvae and adults, no adverse reactions to rabbits. 100 ~ 150g fresh 100 pieces, minced and soaked in 75% alcohol or 100ml liquor for one week, after removing the residue, rub the affected part. Because the rabbit is not drug-resistant, it is not suitable to use the medicated bath when treating the rabbit acariasis. After disinfection of the ear, smear the oil slick on the affected part with a cotton ball and apply it to the affected part. Apply the medicine once every other day for 2-3 times continuously, always keep the rabbit house clean, dry and ventilated. In the introduction of rabbits, to be carefully checked, and with 2% Trichlorfon solution scrub several times, isolated observation for a period of time, confirmed no