Current Location: Rabbits have the following common diseases: Rabbit pasteurellosis
Rabbits have the following common diseases: Rabbit pasteurellosis

News briefing: Rabbit pasteurellosis rabbit pasteurellosis is caused by the Pasteurella multocida of type Fo. Its serotypes are 7: A and 5: A, muggy, wet rainy season occurs more.

Rabbits have the following common diseases: Rabbit pasteurellosis

Rabbit pasteurellosis rabbit pasteurellosis is caused by the Pasteurella multocida of type Fo. Its serotypes are 7: A and 5: A, muggy, wet rainy season occurs more.

Etiological factor:

When the feeding management is not good, the nutrition lacks, the feed mutation, the excessive fatigue, the long-distance transportation, the parasite infection as well as cold, the hot, the humid, the crowded, the pen ventilation is not good, rainy and so on, when the resistance of rabbits is reduced, the pathogen is easy to invade into the body and cause endogenous infection. The feces and secretions of the sick rabbits can continuously discharge the poisonous germs, contaminate the feed, drinking water, utensils and the external environment, transmit the germs to the healthy rabbits through the digestive tract, or expel the germs by coughing and sneezing, through the respiratory tract droplets and infection, blood-sucking insect vectors and skin, mucous membrane wounds can also occur infection. The clinical features were rhinitis, local epidemic pneumonia, systemic septicemia, otitis media, conjunctivitis, pyometrium, orchitis and so on. This disease is one of the most important infectious diseases that cause the death of 9-week-old to 6-month-old rabbits.

The onset stage:

The incubation period is usually several hours to 5 days or longer. In clinical common there are the following types:

(1) hemorrhagic septicemia type: the most acute often without obvious symptoms and sudden death. Septicemia in the production of rhinitis and pneumonia, the most common occurrence of mixed, can be manifested as listlessness, loss of appetite but not waste, body temperature rise, nasal discharge of serous, mucus or purulent nasal fluid, sometimes diarrhea. Before death, the body temperature dropped and the limbs twitched. The course of disease was from several hours to 3 days.

(2) infectious rhinitis type: nasal discharge of serous, mucus or purulent secretions, breathing difficulties, sneezing, coughing, nasal fluid in the nostrils scab, blocking the nostrils, make breathing more difficult, and appear snoring. Because the sick rabbit often scratches the nose with the claw, may bring the germs into the eye, the subcutaneous and so on, induces other diseases. The course of disease is usually several days to several months, treatment is not timely multi-failure death.

(3) local pneumonia type: it is often secondary to infectious rhinitis. Because the Rex Rabbit's exercise is very small, the natural onset of pneumonia rarely seen symptoms, until the late serious performance for breathing difficulties. Suffering from loss of appetite, increased body temperature, depression, sometimes diarrhea or joint swelling symptoms, and finally due to severe pulmonary hemorrhage, necrosis or septicemia and death.

(4) otitis media type: also known as torticollis (warping head disease) , is the spread of the bacteria to the inner ear and brain results. The degree of the neck deviation is not the same, the age of onset is not the same. Some of the newly weaned rabbits appear head and neck tilt, but most of the adult rabbits. In severe cases, the rabbit rolls toward the head-tilted side until it is blocked by an object. Because the two eyes can not face, suffering from extreme difficulties in the diet of rabbits, and gradually thin. The course of the disease varied, and eventually died of exhaustion.

(5) conjunctivitis type: clinical manifestations for tears, conjunctival congestion, swelling, eye secretions, often the eyelids stick.

(6) abscess, uterine inflammation and orchitis type: abscess can occur in all parts of the body. Subcutaneous abscesses begin with redness and induration of the skin and later become fluctuating abscesses. Inflammation of the uterus, the mother vaginal purulent secretions. Male rabbit orchitis can show one or both testis swelling, sometimes feel the touch of fever. Rhinitis and otitis media type symptoms are obvious, can make the diagnosis. Other types of symptoms are not obvious, often occur at the same time or in succession, clinical diagnosis is more difficult. The diagnosis can only be confirmed by examination of blood, liver, spleen, exudates, or pus. In addition, 2 ~ 3 drops of 0.2% ~ 0.5% brilliant green solution could be dropped into the nostrils of diseased rabbits. 18 ~ 24 hours later, if there is purulent white mucus in the nostrils for positive or recessive carrier, no change for negative.

Control method:

At ordinary times, we should strengthen the feeding management, improve the environmental hygiene, improve the appetite of rabbits, pay attention to keeping warm and preventing cold, preventing and controlling parasitic diseases, etc. . For prevention, use the rabbit pasteurella Aluminum hydroxide vaccine (or the avian pasteurellosis vaccine, or the rabbit plague and rabbit pasteurellosis vaccine, or the rabbit pasteurellosis and bordetella vaccine, preferably not the triple vaccine) , twice a year, to prevent the disease has a certain effect. The rabbits were treated with streptomycin (2 ml of streptomycin + penicillin was injected intramuscularly with significant effect) , Norfloxacin, synergism sulfonamides and cephalosporins. Fold


Warped head disease rabbit warped head disease has many reasons, ear inflammation, external trauma (concussion) , sporozoites, encephalitis and so on. Not only is there no effective treatment, but also the diagnosis is very difficult, but these are rare. The most common cause is otitis, one of the more common rabbit diseases. The otitis of the rabbit is divided into otitis externa, otitis media, otitis media. Among them otitis externa can not cause crooked head disease, otitis media and otitis media are quite likely to cause. The most common causes of ear infections are bacterial and fungal infections (I've observed more bacterial infections) , foreign body invasion, trauma, ear mites and less common, and dampness. The inner ear includes the vestibule, the organ that controls the balance in the rabbit. Bacterial infection causes damage to the vestibule, or pus builds up and presses against the vestibule, causing the rabbit to tilt its head. In fact, head tilt is not the only symptom, there are slanting neck, eyeball tremors, half of the body tilt and even stand unsteady, spin and so on. I've also heard of rabbits that don't tilt their heads or slant their necks, but can't stand on one side of their bodies. Of course not all middle (inner) ear infections cause these symptoms, but I think these symptoms, although terrible, but it is a reminder to parents, because ear infections are actually very difficult to find