News briefing: should strengthen the nursing, pay attention to hygiene, give soft and easy to digest the feed
News briefing: should strengthen the nursing, pay attention to hygiene, give soft and easy to digest the feed
1, should strengthen the nursing, pay attention to hygiene, give soft and easy to digest the feed, warm and ventilated enclosures, good in sunny grazing, so that sick sheep can bask in the Sun. Especially in the eruption period, to strengthen heat preservation. Provide warm water with bedding.
2, the beginning of the disease can be injected with the immune serum, the bodyweight should be more injection, but the serum is more expensive, not too cost-effective, it is appropriate for expensive breeding sheep and young lambs.
3. subcutaneous injection of 0.1% musk alcohol solution. Grind Musk 1 gram, add aseptic distilled water 1000 milliliters, to promote dissolve, can heat slightly. Leave the solution for 1 week before filtering. The filtered solution is brownish red, clear, and transparent, with a special smell. Musk can also be dissolved in physiological saline or 60 degrees of liquor, the same concentration as before. Give 1 ML subcutaneously. Repeat 1-2 times if necessary.
4. Local treatment. For Acne, apply iodine tincture or violet solution, wash with 3% Lysol or carbolic acid before applying for medicine when vesicles or pustules burst, and apply iodine glycerin or violet solution after washing with 0.1% potassium permanganate solution for mucosal lesions. To prevent secondary infections, sulfonamide, penicillin, tetracycline, etc. It May Is used. Tetracycline 500,000 IU, dissolved in 50 ml of saline, IV, once a day.
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