News briefing: Stomatitis is inflammation of the surface and deep tissues of the oral mucosa of sheep. Experts cure diseases.
News briefing: Stomatitis is inflammation of the surface and deep tissues of the oral mucosa of sheep. Experts cure diseases.
Stomatitis is inflammation of the surface and deep tissues of the oral mucosa of sheep. Experts cure diseases.
(1) Cause: Primary stomatitis is mostly caused by trauma; Secondary stomatitis is mostly in sheep suffering from mouth sores, foot and mouth disease, sheep pox, mold stomatitis, allergic reaction, and lamb malnutrition. (2) Symptoms: sick sheep show decreased appetite, mouth salivation, chewing slowly, want to eat but dare not eat, when secondary bacteria have bad breath. Catarrh stomatitis. The oral mucosa of the sheep is red, congested, swollen, and painful, especially in the lips, gums, and buccal parts. Blistering stomatitis in which the upper and lower lips of sheep are filled with blisters of different sizes and transparent or yellow fluid. Ulcerative stomatitis, with ulcerative foci on the mucous membrane, foul odor in the mouth, and elevated body temperature. Each of these types of stomatitis can occur alone, and can also occur successively or staggered. Catarrh (mucosal surface) stomatitis is more common in clinics. other symptoms of the disease often accompany secondary stomatitis Experts treat diseases.
① Prevention: strengthen management, prevent traumatic primary stomatitis, infectious diseases complicated stomatitis, should be isolated and disinfected. Feeding trough and forage grass can be washed and disinfected with 2% alkali water.
② Treatment: a. Feed soft, nutrient-rich, and easily digestible grass, and feed milk and goat's milk; B. The sheep with mild stomatitis can use 0.1% potassium permanganate, 0.1% Level aqueous solution, 3% boric acid water, 10% concentrated salt water, 2% alum water, luge liquid, and other repeated washing mouth, after washing iodine glycerol, 1-2 times a day, until recovery; C, oral mucosa ulcer, can be 5% iodine tincture, iodine glycerin, gentian violet solution, sulfa ointment, tetracycline ointment swab the affected part; D. When the body temperature of the sheep is elevated and secondary bacterial infection occurs, penicillin 400,000 to 800,000 units and streptomycin 1 million units can be intramuscular injected twice a day for 2-3 days; Or take or inject iodide amine drugs.
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