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MicrobeSolv C-100 Sanitizer
  • MicrobeSolv C-100 Sanitizer
  • MicrobeSolv C-100 Sanitizer
  • MicrobeSolv C-100 Sanitizer
MicrobeSolv C-100 Sanitizer
MicrobeSolv C-100 Sanitizer
MicrobeSolv C-100 Sanitizer
For killing bacteria, fungi and molds, and inhibiting viruses through
use of C-100 biostimulant that facilitate glutaraldehyde molecules in
entering cell wall, memebranes and inactivating enzymes and proteins
that are regulate normal metablism pathways.

Product introduction

【PRODUCT NAME】MicrobeSolv C-100 Sanitizer
【INGREDIENTS】C-100; Glutaraldehyde
【APPEARANCE】Amber and transparant liquid
【USAGE】For killing bacteria, fungi and molds, and inhibiting viruses through
use of C-100 biostimulant that facilitate glutaraldehyde molecules in
entering cell wall, memebranes and inactivating enzymes and proteins
that are regulate normal metablism pathways.
【PURPOSE】For sanitization of public areas, equipments and devices, farms, etc.
【APPLICATION】Regular sanitization:1:100 dilution
Spray in contaminated facilities:1:50 dilution
Sterization:1:50 dilution
【ADVERSE REACTION】No adverse reactions with the suggested dosage
【SPECIFICATION】150 ml contains 78% of C-100 and 22% of Glutaraldehyde
【PACAGING】150 ml/bag
【STORAGE】Enclosed and kept in cool and dark places。
【PRODUCTION LOT NO.】2021042001
H ig h ly ef f ect ive,b r o ad sp ect r u m,
n an o d r o p let s,an d co n cen t r at ed
No, 10 Chengquan Road, Yuanshi County, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China 0311-80894911
For External
Use Only

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Contact information

Store Name:Sino-US DowSyn BioCean Hebei Co.Ltd
Contact number: 13028655275
E-mail:[email protected]